Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Sketch 21 ~ Tiny Tutu Soiree ~ Unity Stamp Co.

 Hello there crafty friend!
I am sharing one last card for the Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Sketch Challenge 21. This cute card could be a birthday card or really a card for any occasion! Again, I am loving all the white open space! So fun!

I set aside my leftover papers... I've already pretty much decided I'm going to finish them off next month anyhow... and I pulled out some of my washi tape. Yup! Washi tape is perfect for this sketch! I found these coordinating pieces of washi tape in my stash and thought they would be fun on a sweet card.

I just received my latest order from Unity and the adorable Tiny Tutu Soiree was a must have so I inked her up. She is probably the cutest mouse I've ever seen. She's also one of those Finely Detailed stamps and I was able to ink her up just fine with my Black Amalgam ink from Gina K. Designs. The key, at least for me, was to make sure my ink pad was juicy enough. I have been noticing that it takes a few times stamping to get my images nice and crisp so it was definitely time to add some ink to the ink pad.

Here's a quick list of the Copic markers I used: 

Mouse: C00, C1, C3, R00, R20
Cupcake: YR21, YR15, C00, C1
Tutu: BG0000, BG11, BG23

Here's another look at the fun sketch for Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Sketch Challenge 21. Lots of open space that can be kept white like my card or use pattern paper like I did for my car card. The sketch, as always, is meant to inspire not require. So let the sketch lead in your design, but don't feel limited by it. My card is another good example of altering the sketch but still keeping within the parameters of the sketch since my washi tapes were varying widths I was able to use six different washi tapes and still balance out the space.

I wrapped the washi tape around the edge of the 4 x 5-1/4" Stampers Select White Card Stock from Papertrey Ink. I stamped the sentiment on a scrap of white card stock and trimmed it. I mat it with a slightly larger scrap of Tangerine Tango Card Stock from Stampin' Up and trimmed it. Adhered the panel to a white A2 top fold card base and BAM... another birthday card for my stash! Oh, yea! I hope you're inspired to play along with the sketch... and maybe even use some of that washi tape you've been wondering how to use. Have an ink-tastic week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
See ya next time.

Inky Hugs,

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