Wednesday, May 1, 2024

{BYSHC} Sketch Challenge 45 ~ Bells & Holly ~ Newton's Nook Designs

Hello there crafty friend!
It's time for a new sketch challenge over in the Build Your Stash Holiday Cardmakers Facebook group! Today I'm sharing a sweet Christmas card featuring the beautiful holly stamp from our awesome sponsor, Newton's Nook Designs! Newton's Nook Designs has generously offered up a $20 gift code as a prize for the {BYSHC} Sketch 45 this month! So amazing!! Thanks so much, Jen and Jeff!

I am loving this month's sketch! It was inspired by a Christmas card that I received from my sweet friend, Vannessa Osbourn. I loved the card and the design so much I just had to turn it into a sketch. I used all of the measurements noted in the sketch this time.

I paired up the beautiful Christmas Time 6x6 Paper Pad with the beautiful Bells & Holly Stamp Set. I trimmed the green polka dot paper to 4 x 5-1/4". I then trimmed the holly paper to 4 x 4-1/16". From the bottom right corner I measured 1-3/4" up and marked my paper with pencil. I then measured from the top left corner 3-1/4" to the right and marked my paper with pencil again. And lastly, I measured from the bottom left corner 3" to the right and marked my paper one last time. I cut the angle of my paper using the three pencil marks on the paper. I sure hope that makes sense. 

I adhered the pattern papers together and then adhered them to a white A2 top fold card base that I turned on the side for a landscape card. I colored up the beautiful holly from the Bells & Holly Stamp Set with a handful of Copic markers. I then die cut the holly and adhered it to a vellum oval I had die cut using a die from the Oval Frames Die Set. I then adhered the oval to the card by adding glue just behind the holly so no glue would show through the vellum. I stamped the sentiment and trimmed it. I then mat it with a piece of Green Parakeet card stock from Papertrey Ink. I adhered it directly to the card.

Here's a quick list of the Copic markers I used:

Holly Leaves: G000, YG11, G24, G46
Holly Berries / Ribbon: R20, R14, R46
Branch: E21, E23, E25

Here's a look at {BYSHC} Sketch Challenge 45 for the month of May. I am loving this sketch! I can't wait to see what everyone does with it. I hope you'll join us and play along with the sketch. If you're interested in seeing a bit more inspiration for this sketch, check out the amazing inspiration from the design team over on the {BYSH} Cardmakers blog! Lots of creative and sweet inspiration this month from the design team.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
See ya next time.

Inky hugs,

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  1. Love your card with these pretty papers and the stamped holly design! It's a great sketch!


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