Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Sketch 22 ~ Owl Rather Be With You ~ Gerda Steiner Designs

 Hello there crafty friend!
It's time for a fun new sketch over in the Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Facebook group. Today I'm sharing my first card for the Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Sketch Challenge 22. Another birthday card! Woohoo! You may recognize this card design. Just like last month's Sketch 21, I used another 'scraps' card as my inspiration for this month's sketch. This was such a great sketch for those larger pieces of scraps. I thought it would be perfect as I'm trying to finish off the leftover papers I found in my stash in April. I can't believe it's taking me this long to finish off these papers!

Anywho, for this card I only used two pieces of leftover papers. I didn't have a full sheet to use as my background so I went with a card stock that is also a leftover from my Scrapping for Less days. I trimmed the card stock to 4 x 5-1/4" and adhered the pattern papers near the top center. I stamped the adorable owl and branch from the Owl Rather Be With You stamp set from Gerda Steiner Designs on scraps of Stampers Select White Card Stock from Papertrey Ink using Memento Tuxedo Black Ink. This adorable stamp set has been in my stash for awhile but this is the first time I've inked it up! Yay! 

 I found this stitched rectangle on my desk that the owl fit in just perfectly. It's a die cut from the awesome Frames & Tags Die Set from Newton's Nook Designs. I colored up the owl and branch using my Copic markers. Fussy cut them both on the line (excluding the tufts on the owls head - I left a bit of a white border) and then colored the edges of my cutting using a Memento Tuxedo Black marker making the cutting look all nice and neat.

Here's a quick list of the Copic markers I used: 

Owl Eyes: W00, W1, W2
Owl Beak / Feet: YR21, YR15, YR14
Owl Feathers: W00, W1, W2, W3, W5
Branch: E55, E57, E59

Here's a look at the fun sketch for Tawny Owl Paperie Inky Inspiration Sketch Challenge 22. The sketch, as always, is meant to inspire not require. So let the sketch lead in your design, but don't feel limited by it. I didn't add dimensions for the pattern paper scraps as I'm sure we all have different sized scraps in our stash. The polka dot paper on my card is kind of long so I lowered the sentiment strip across the card. I think I actually covered up a portion of the polka dot paper with the sentiment. A good example of letting the sketch lead but not limiting the design.

I heat embossed the sentiments. I prepped my card stock first using the TE Anti-Static Powder Tool. Stamped the sentiment using Sugar Cube White Pigment Ink from Taylored Expressions. Added some Alabaster White Embossing Powder from Brutus Monroe. And melted the powder using a Wagner Precision Heat Tool. I trimmed up the sentiments and adhered all of my layers to a white A2 top fold card base. I hope you all have fun with this sketch! I can't wait to see what you create with it. Have an ink-tastic week!

Thanks so much for stopping by!
See ya next time.

Inky Hugs,

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